
rant && what do you think?

so one of our ISP (Orange Slovakia) had troubles with service for like two days. Their DNS servers translated domains to IPs reaaally slow or not at all. So when i saw the dns error in chrome (yes i use chrome and not quantum) I changed my dns to google dns and ignored it.

Two days later when the service was back up and running, this ISP went to the local media and made a statement "we had a DDOS attack, no user data were harmed, blabla" that was when my BS radar went bananas... so somebody DDOSd your DNS server ... for two fucking days straight... this is probably a lie or they have really noob engineers (or both).

I'm not an expert on network services or routing, or servers but, how about turning off this server, IP and setting up a backup on a different IP ? Possibly anyone here with experience how to handle DDOS? Whats the chance of this happening? i'm really curious

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    @dfox I am not welcome here anymore to sub to threads? 😮
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    @Alice @Linuxxx careful, your tracking dots and pins to sub to threads were banned just now. 😉
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    @n3xus your behavior in this thread is completely unacceptable and you need to cool it. This is first warning, next time is account ban/deletion.

    If you don’t like what someone is doing you can address them in a respectful manner.

    Also, you’re just plain wrong in this case. He was subscribing to comments on the rant. Who cares? Don’t let every little tiny thing bother you, and if it does, don’t attack people over it.
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    @dfox whew, thought dots are now banned, thanks for clarifying 😆
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    @dfox I am really wondering what that person said now O_o
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    @linuxxx he was pretty much just being a complete asshole for no reason
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    @dfox Fair enough. I see the comments are deleted so I guess it's back to normal now :)
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    @dfox Also just to be clear, are those 'tracking dots' considered to be okay?
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    @linuxxx yes, I don’t see why they wouldn’t lol. I never knew anyone disliked them until this one guy just got triggered by it.
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    @dfox Wait the whole thing was about those dot thingies?!
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    @linuxxx lol yup. He tried to claim that posting . to subscribe to a comment thread was “cancerous,” but somehow personally attacking someone and calling them names over doing that was perfectly fine lol.
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    @dfox What the actual motherfucking fuck. I literally just laughed out loud. All respect (or should I say no respect...?) to that person but damn, if that already triggers you on that level, this is not the best place to be.
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    @linuxxx you should have seen the "name calling" @dfox mentioned, it was even more funny and made literally no sense. lol
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    @dfox so since people use tracking dots this means that theirs no need for a topic sub button right ;)
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    @gitlab exactly that, its a really nice hack until we get the new website, removing the need to implement it into the current apps now.
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    at least my thread has/had a lot of comments lol (20+ notifications)
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