
It seems Lightroom is not WYSIWYG....

Spent a month touching up photos manually from DNG and now finally Exported them to JPG... most look really bad even though they look really nice in LR...

Just reset all of the adjustments and told LR to auto edit all of them... they look a lot nicer after exporting....

So it seems the correct process is now:

1. Auto correct (but leave white balancing)
2. Export
3. Manually fix the ones I don't like

  • 2
    did you calibrate your monitor with a colorimeter?
    And what color profile did you use for export?
  • 0
    monitor doesnt matter, i didnt print. its just that the color i see in lightroom != colors/picture i see after exporting when using a viewer
  • 2
    Darktable is a Linux alternative to an Adobe software that is actually at least as good if not better. (also, you don't need an academic degree to use it)
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    @billgates might be export settings as well.
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    Try exporting it with Adobe RGB?
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    @heyheni oh I used sRGB... Isn't that the standard?

    Would Adobe need some special viewer to read?

    I guess next time... If I feel like actually spending time making Manuel adjustments...
  • 3
    @billgates yeah sRGB is unfortunately a shitty standard. If you have 16bit color gammut in dmg and convert it into 8bit sRGB jpgs you loose a lot of color. With Adobe RGB you loose a little bit less. But many internet services like facebook convert other rgb profiles into sRGB. So you have to decide which one fits.
  • 2
    That’s annoying. I’m just curious, what version of Lightroom are you using?
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    @dfox really old apparently... v5 seems to be 2013... That explains why all the dates are pre-2013

    But wow... So many Chinese people. Are you like working in a sea of Asians?
  • 2
    @billgates hmm yeah lol, that is really old. I’m guessing a lot of your problems happen there. I use Lightroom a lot and have never had that issue. My RAW to jpg’s are always very consistent.

    If you’re ever looking to upgrade, let me know. Since I work for Adobe I can get you an 80% discount on any Creative Cloud plan.
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    @dfox well i m not really big on the subscription plans for software, esp. for photo editing. Only need simple edits TBH. thanks tho
  • 2
    @billgates no problem. Just remember your time is worth money :) if you’re spending a lot of time trying to figure this out, $24/year or whatever isn’t that expensive I don’t think haha.
  • 1
    @dfox well depends... i use LR maybe a few times a year... kinda falls into the same category as tax software...
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    I use Lightroom all the time, it's the best photo editor for me.
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