
The main difference between macOS and windows/linux is that it has Helvetica, the best typeface to ever exist, built in. When an email arrives, you know it's your fellow Mac user who sent it, so you know they at least take a shower every day, and you don't have to explain things like they're five.
You can use Helvetica for everything. Designers love it. Guess what — all of them have Macs, so things they design look best on your Mac as well. They don't test on windows or any linux.
Linux has the important mission of overthrowing windows as the main desktop OS for normies, and that's a good thing. Valve and Steam OS is a massive step forward. But, if you value your time and want to be surrounded with beautiful things, nothing beats macOS.

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    Those are all great points for Mac-users.

    Yet sometimes, they turn into five year-old toddlers. Especially when they have to use a Windows.

    And when I want to use a Mac, it is the most retarded tool ever made. I want a backslash...

    On windows, you just hit 'alt gr + \'

    on Mac, you need 3 fingers to do 'option + shift + 7'

    If you use a non-American keyboard and need the $ sign (for programming, Excel, etc.), you may have a keyboard where a euro (€) is shown instead of a dollar. In that case it is 'option + 4'...

    Who invent such thinks really ?
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    @Grumm a matter of what you're used to.
  • 8
    Sorry, but linux had the *important* mission of showing that an OS can be done free and fully functional. There's hardly a more important mission than liberation from those greedy bastards (not just windows). Downplay that at your own peril
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    "and you don't have to explain things like they're five"

    I beg to differ. Just last week I had to explain a dev how to export envs. He's a Mac user.

    But I agree with you regd the prettiness. However, beauty is an individual sense. Some perceive it with their senses. Others - with their wit
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    there's Nimbus Sans L, which exists as an Open source variant of Helvetica (mixed with little bit of Arial) and came into existence as a digital font around the same time iOS and macOS started using it. You need to check it out, it looks surprisingly similar.

    Starting with win10 there's also some random Update you can install to get Helvetica aswell.
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    Also, obviously the only font you'll ever need is PF DIN Text
  • 4
    aaah, Helvetica.

    the Comic Sans for people who call themselves "designers".

    the incarnation of "generic CI font".

    the SUV of typefaces - ugly, useless, and completely overrated.
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    @kiki Yes, I agree with you.

    I like Verdana the most.
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    @Grumm 🥺 Verdana is actually my favorite typeface! I even had an article about why it was so important (the first font designed for the screen, not for print). What do you do this evening? :D
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    @thebiochemic Nimbus Sans feels like walmart Helvetica, ngl
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    @kiki you do you i guess.
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    @Grumm wasn't Verdana a font that has been designed for Microsoft before 2000 or something?
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    I use a Mac at work and switch between Linux and Windows at home, depending on what I need to do.

    I'm forever using the wrong keyboard shortcuts and it's absolutely infuriating.
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    @DamoMac why don’t you just change the keyboard layout on the mac so that it’s the same as Windows and Linux? That’s what I did.
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    @thebiochemic Yes. It was a font that was readable in small sizes on low resolutions.

    Wikipedia has a nice article about that font. With also a story that the font can also be printed. Maybe the article of @Kiki can give more information too.

    But I like it. When you have a lot of text on the screen, it is very calm and easy to read.
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    @Lensflare I've remapped a couple and it's helped. I just need to get around to doing the rest.
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    @DamoMac You can swap the control and command keys in the system settings and it will fix most of the shortcuts like control+A, +Z, +C, +V.

    For the rest I recommend the free tool Ukelele.
  • 2
    @Lensflare Ace, cheers, I'll look into that! I'm looking at 3d printing my own keyboard for work so I'll have my keys wherever I want, but it'll be good to have things set up for when I'm just using the laptop on it's own.
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    I use mac for work, and don't shower everyday.

    Usually just after the gym 2 or 3 times a week. If I didn't work out it'll probably be once or twice a week.

    Linux to the core baby!
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    @lungdart this is known as taking the piss mi amigo
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    Screw Mac hotkeys, buried and oversimplified settings, lack of customization, walled garden eco, etc.

    They’re pretty, they’re stable, they’re smooth. But I cannot be productive or happy on them.
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