
What should I do to solve my deep hatred of the LGTBQ people?

It's just everything is pushing this agenda heavily recently. Population control? More gays less babies?

I want to not care but it's hard.

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    here's where your hatred's from: bad parenting
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    @kobenz more like good parenting. I'm straight, strong male.
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    Just know that LQBTQ people generally accept you. And then vote and support policies and politicians that do not criminalize their existence.

    It’s fine if it is not your thing. Just don’t wield the law to make what you don’t like illegal.

    Also, don’t treat being not straight as the biggest aspect of someone’s personality. Sure, some people make it this massive point. But rarely is it really more than straight people do in general.

    That’s actually a good bar. If you see something gay imagine the same act but straight. Does it bother you? Usually no.
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    Also if population control were an objective, it would be way easier with free birth control and real sex ed.

    LGBTQ people often want and have kids.
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    the gays and lesbians don't like the LGBT political people

    their group has been co-opted, like something ate its way in then stuck its hand to puppeteer the image

    it's fine to hate force I think. that makes someone morally superior and worth ruling things, since they won't be a tyrant because it would go against their principles
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    @jeeper you don't need either of those things, birth control or sex ed

    you can just poison people until they can't have kids

    something I didn't know, is female birth control pills make you infertile after even if you stop taking them. they don't tell you that. women had to find out on their own and they still don't tell you that. I think it's fucked up. I was on those things a few times, legally I can't get them unless I go to a doctor, and not one doctor told me that despite me seeing them 3 times. they just cared if I got clots or "felt fine" on them, whatever that meant (depression and getting fat I guess?)... but nobody told you your hormones would be messed up forever because you fucked up the balance in your body

    lots of plastics they wrap food in interrupt reproductive hormones as well. other things, too... there's no need to educate anyone or do anything. just poison everyone.
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    LGBTQ likely is used as sex magic. older cults would use sex to brainwash people from a young age. cia figured this out as well. the funny meme is, you can brainwash a man via sex but then having sex might unbrainwash him later lmao

    so control sex and you've got access to the best cocktail of emotion and hormone strings you could ever want

    and to keep being in control you have to make it into ritualistic orgies

    but lesbian / gay people are real people. I'm not so sure about the other stuff but I think it would've been statistically insignificant, and as weird as someone having 6 fingers or being born XXY or something

    queer doesn't even make sense. it's just defined as "I want to change the culture"
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    @jestdotty I think I would be easily and fully controlled by sex
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    just accept that you are flawed.

    for example in your perception. it's not "more gays". it's "accept those gays that have always been around, but just now begin to NOT be oppressed into conformity from EVERY part of society".
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    @jestdotty "the gays and lesbians don't like the LGBT political people" yes, because nobody in their right mind likes ANY political people.

    because to go into modern day politics, you have to be either naive or corrupt.

    "something I didn't know, is female birth control pills make you infertile after even if you stop taking them" - that's a long-term well-known fact, and at least in germany, that potential risk is declared on the package slip. ya just gotta read what's already been written...
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    @jestdotty there's a difference between "liking" and "accepting"...

    and yeah. i'm flawed as fuck. but far from "being a racist shitsack"-levels of flawedness.

    also maybe the slip-thing is just different based on where you are. in germany, it's 100% common knowledge that hormonal birth control has a chance to permanently reduce your fertility.

    "but all the butch girls were gaslit into going f to m" - i'm not even gonna touch that whole heap of conspiracy theory grade paranoia...
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    @tosensei Literally, everything trying to make you gay or become tranny including the food and water. Never in history it was this hard to differentiate man from woman, and woman from man.

    If you didn't live under a rock with your granny, you would know.
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    @kanyewest "Never in history it was this hard to differentiate man from woman, and woman from man." - dude, that's only true if your complete knowledge of history only starts from germany 1933.

    beyond the pure anatomy, basically every part of culture that, today, is strongly associated with one gender, was at some point in history associated with the other. for example: pink was a boys colour when bismarck was around.

    not even speaking of the fact that the concept of "man and woman" was, throughout history, NOT a universal paradigm. native americans, for example, were _very_ liberal in that regard.
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    @kanyewest also, the phrase "Literally, everything trying to make you gay" implies that even you yourself are trying to make yourself gay.
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    > beyond the pure anatomy, basically every part of culture that, today, is strongly associated with one gender, was at some point in history associated with the other. for example: pink was a boys colour when bismarck was around.

    Can you smell the contradiction?

    There are two genders. Male and Female. Full stop.
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    Do you accept people with schizophrenia? Same thing, you have to accept LGBTQ people because It's not their fault they are like that. What I think we should not accept is the adamant refusal to research the problem and instead trying to normalize it as something desirable. The political people are all useless cock blockers and clam jammers. As far as Im concerned if there's at least one person that is gay/trans and hates it and would rather not be at any point in their life, that warrants research into how to fix it. But current political climate agreesively pushes against that. Why... More options is always better, so gatekeeping this shit is biggoted as hell.
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    @Hazarth I don't remember the government influencing me or my children to become schizophrenic.

    But I agree.

    Although I'd kill myself if I ever accidentally sleep with an LGBTQ person.
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    @kanyewest "The day that I started hating Jews is the day that I became a man." - you're not a man.

    you're a sad little pathetic excuse for a boy. tops.
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    @kobenz i'd rather bet he's the stereotypical closeted homosexual that, due to his upbringing, hates himself for being the way he is, and overcompensates by publicly displaying his hate of people.

    i'd also bet he's circumcised if i had to.
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    @kanyewest is it tho? let's think about it a bit.

    "tranny", a porn category that replaced the dehumanizing "shemale" jargon used in pre-pornhub era websites.

    When we take into account the "strong straight male" expression clearly copypasta your parents imprinted on you...

    Hm... assuming an age of 24, such individual would most likely be starting to question their upbringing...

    Accounting for the not so sutil parent targeting of my previous comment and @kanyewest's shy response, one could almost think Mr. Kanye might not so sure about his "good" upbringing...

    Maybe it annoys the fuck out of Mr Kayne that his so called "manliness" isn't as attractive as it might've been 70 years ago. Like, as if you've mastered Fortran since childhood when Fortran had stopped being sexy even before you were born. Deceived by his progenitors, OP looses his shit over the matter as if everybody's genitalia are his business since his own can't get no sugar, being the "strong straight male" that he is.
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    @tosensei OP indeed does smell like closeted homosexuality
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    @kanyewest You should also quit most tech products you use, because Jews are involved in that too. You know like Intel, Nvidia, Mellanox, Apple, Qualcomm, Broadcom, Samsung, ARM, Waze, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, etc. - all had Jews in the management or large R&D centers in Israel....

    Every product based on modern physics should be avoided too, because Albert Einstein surely had an agenda!

    Be a real man, give technology up, light up a campfire to warm up and think about hating Jews.
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    @NickyBones don't forget: jews had campfires, too.
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    @tosensei Wait you're not circumcised? Yuck.
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    @tosensei Yeah OK but none of them claim to invent it so it's probably fine.
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    @kanyewest did you start hating jews on your bat mitzvah, by any chance?
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    @NickyBones Giving up technology and gaining privacy isn't such a bad idea. Tired of "smart" things; My washing machine and toothbrush surely don't need a bluetooth and internet connection.
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    @tosensei Everything you say after not being circumcised are just words. Can you go ahead and wash your smelly, swollen disgusting pp and your Jew dick mouth?

    Thanks x
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    @kanyewest 1) why are you so obsessed with my genitals? 2) where did you IMAGINE i said anything about whether or not i'm circumcised? 3) why do YOU of all "people" have a problem with someone _not_ being subject of the jewish tradition of circumcision?

    buddy, just leave the internet already, and get some professional help. don't care if you get it from a psychiatrist or an undertaker, tho - take your pick.

    (that being said: anything that anyone says whenever is, technically, "just words")
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    @kanyewest Hmm none of my home devices has Wifi/Bluetooth connectivity. I don't even have a washing machine - there are some old Bosch machines in the basement which all tenants in the building share (you get a weekly slot for washing).

    My fridge witnessed WW2, and the oven/stove is not much newer. None of them even has a digital screen. I guess it's a Europe thing.
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    @tosensei did you wash your uncircumcised pp?
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    @kanyewest more often than you.
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    Also, go meet some LGBTQ people.
    Nothing cuts through hate like company. There is a black guy who has made it his mission to befriend and de radicalize KKK members. If he can do that which is actually dangerous you can meet some people who mean you no harm.
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    @jeeper Nothing wrong with KKK.

    I did meet a lot of them, in high school, in work, in life. Some of them are cool, but their faggotry pisses me off.
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    @kanyewest I think you should try having this discussion with black people irl…
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    @jeeper Yeah we both hate Jews, so best friends
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    @jestdotty "it came from an actual lesbian prominent in the lesbian community tho" - so your implication is that lesbians _can't_ be completely separated from reality just because they're lesbian?
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    @jestdotty no.. just that you shouldn't blindly do the _opposite,_ as you seem to do.
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    @tosensei Just my two cents; She doesn't blindly do anything since or except the vaccine.
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    @jestdotty Well, if we're going to not recover and die anyway let's enjoy ourselves 😏

    (Trauma is not good... 😶)
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