
Divide and conquer is a brilliant form of control. There are entities that benefit from making us fight each other, no matter the reason. From choosing a Linux distro to choosing a political party: everything goes.

If you hate JavaScript, hug your fellow JavaScript developer today. Tell them they're doing good.

Spread peace and unity. Let peace forever hold her way over the Earth.

  • 2
    Sending hugs to you as you are a convinced apple afficcionado and me being the opposite.
  • 2
    @NeatNerdPrime Linux is okay. I use it on my production servers. I was an elementaryos user and quite liked it. Debian is perhaps the most versatile OS in the world.

    Windows has its uses, plus it has games.

    macOS has a lot of downsides, the main one being opaqueness and rigidity. It's hard to know what's going on behind the scenes. I choose to trust it, because hardware backdoors make OS backdoors obsolete in my opinion.

    Apple was and still is definitely engaging in anti-consumer practices, mainly fighting the right to repair. That's a strong reason to dislike Apple.
  • 0
    Hate unity rather use godotšŸ¤”
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