The older I get the more vindictive and intolerant of other people I get. Especially on the road. My passive aggressiveness is off the charts. Tailgaters piss me off the most. They can rot in hell. If you tailgate me I am going to take longer to pass. If you don't, I will speed up a bit and attempt to get out of the way faster. It is petty, but I am fucking done with these pieces of trash. Fuck you and the shit hole you came out of.

I have also found that smiling at the other driver is the worst thing you can possibly do to them. They can't say anything because you didn't flip them off.

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    I slow down to the exact speed limit so they can’t really fault me for anything lol. It’s the best ever
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    Last Halloween I was driving and kids were out trick r treating and I could barely see them until I was too close away, so I drove slow as fuck so I don’t kill a 5 year old with 5000 lbs of machine.

    I went out myself later to see the decorations and this guy starts rocketing down almost 60 mph with his big silver suv and everyone was screaming heard one guy literally scream SLOW THE FUCK DOWN and the asshole started BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPing his horn and shouting back at everyone then continued to speed down the road with kids on both sides, this was a suburban road btw.

    Later on I heard BEEEEEEEEEPPPP FUCK U and saw a silver suv speed down
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    @TeachMeCode continued from prev…

    I DO NOT know what dark dimension this offspring of a mutated parasitic worm that feeds off dog intestines and an escaped rhesus monkey with its frontal cortex missing and feeds off bile of dead infants as a result of some freak experiment gone wrong but he should drive his corpsemobile back to the rotting discarded fecal tumor he’s from and I’ll be happy to shove his horn up his ass and kick it going BEEEPBEEEP
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    @TeachMeCode I am almost always doing at 2 to 3 over when passing. These assholes are doing 85 to 90. We just had a dude die because an out of stater was going 90 on the same road. They can suck their own asshole with a straw. What does a felcher look like anyway?

    Intentionally putting people's lives in danger is criminal imo. They just haven't killed someone yet.
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    @jestdotty he could’ve ran a kid over driving like that
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    you don't brake check, you're alright.

    the bar is in the basement
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    @lorentz I don't break check. That is dangerous.

    We had a guy at work that brake checked people. Not sure if that is the whole reason, but he lost his license to drive.
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    I was in you shoes for a long time. One day I realized that I couldn't let other people's ignorance control me. I now park on the outer reaches of parking lots because I abhor door dings. I give plenty of distance between me and the next car because I hate rock chips. If someone pulls in front of me, I just back off. In the end, if I lose 10 min, I'm not going to cry as much as I would if a rock whacked my car. In our neighborhood, I make eye contact and wave at every car I see as I walk my dog or see them from my driveway... It cheers people up, makes them feel friendlier, makes them realize that someone sees them, and they are part of the neighborhood. Even the teenagers in their Mustangs / Chargers tend to drive more responsibly when they feel like they are part of the neighborhood. As a good friend of mine says "Assume positive intent and act appropriately". You may reduce someone's stress just enough help them think clearer and maybe end up averting a terrible accident.
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    I don't actually have road rage, but i get what u mean... people shouldn't annoy me, especially when im not busy (or if im busy and looking for a semi-logical excuse to procrastinate).

    Years ago this dude started tailing me when i was going 80. So i slowed down in line with the car in the adjacent lane. He ended up pulling some dangerous stunt to pass by high speed swerving through 3 or 4 lanes and several cars to pass on the right then got in front of me and slowed down.

    I don't tail people and im used to heavy multitasking so a situation like this is a boring void for me... except when someone's volunteering.

    He had a fancy new car and i ended up wondering/assuming if it had bluetooth, then if he, like most, left it open and not properly secured. I ended up hijacking his bt and pushed an audio file-- a clip loudly chastising him for his conduct in a tone implicit of threat. He pulled over and opened his door. I pass too quickly but id like to imagine he ran out screaming.
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    @Demolishun the comedian Gallagher (guy whod smash watermelons) had this bit about dumbass drivers. His suggestion was give everyone a special nerf-like gun so they can mark idiots for the cops to pull over.

    I'd be for a similar properly defined system. Rfid chips(or a specific radioactive isotope) to id a car, with some simple button input built in the car, connected to a scanner node thatd be able to send reporting info to a police access db wouldnt be too hard to implement.

    People who drive high annoy me most. I've actually gotten quite a few to stop via a logical mind fuck.

    You- ask them why they think it's ok.
    Them- something like *it doesnt effect driving* or *i'd know if i was too high*
    You- whyd you smoke if it doesnt effect you?
    Them- *im really self-aware and know better cuz of XYZ*
    You- why not test yourself 1st?
    Them- lol but there's no test
    You- suggest something like timed solitare. Sober- 10x &rec time, high/b4 driving- 5x check timing.
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    If you toss in 'what if u killed a kid and never knew if u would've avoided them by a split sec if sober?' if u need to. It's worked surprisingly well since they can't easily unsee the evidence they create.
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    I had a tire blowout on the highway going fast and tailgated by a big truck, thought I was gonna die lol. I think I hit a nail or something else punched it, it was in good shape so must’ve ran over something pointy

    I think the truck eventually saw what was going on and went by me, hence why I’m still here breathing and posting this lol
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    @xcodesucks while i agree with the being friendly in your neighbourhood (works for upper middle class subdivisions and a modified version for the 1/3 abandoned neighbourhoods of detroit)... the rest sounds... sad.

    I don't think im capable of empathy but this is about as close as i get. It's like you're living your life in terror and submission to assholes & idiots. Frankly, i think if i ever ended up with that mindset on a recurrent, much less daily, basis, i may consider suicide.

    While passive aggression, or bt hacking, isn't a fix, there's negative impact your way too. If assholes and immature idiots can persist without recourse and impact other's daily life to that extent, it just reinforces that bs.

    For mathematical, statistical, relativity-based logic, i firmly believe in karma. Being a pacifist to the point of total inaction can be harmful. If someone steals a little $ many times w/o recourse, they'll go bigger and more likely to hurt someone. I think the same logic applies.
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    Society has killed many innate systems that naturally, and inherently, exist to prolong and advanced society. It's a major problem that, just like the systems it's harming, will ultimately cause a much bigger, more permanent and destructive, load of societal issues.

    For instance, obesity. Humans can't get to 600lb+ unable to move, without someone buying/delivering food to the person role playing as a beached whale. Anxiety, which was low to non-existent until a couple hundred years ago and keeps increasing, is often primarily from lack of cognising things that are uncomfortable/not happy and fun, to think about and/or avoiding situations that have uncertain outcomes/ability to fail... depression has some similar roots.

    Obesity and anxiety are now considered valid disabilities for gov compensation without basic recourse like seeing a therapist. It's highly illogical, especially to think someone needs food stamps when they have more fat than 3-4humans entire weight.
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    @jestdotty the nerf gun itself wouldnt work. The reason i suggested a built-in system was because it'd also inherently be tracking/verifying the ones reporting it. whether rfid or isotopes, it'd be very hard to hack (even for me) because youd need to be in a registered vehicle that was in close range to the vehicle being reported. It'd also be simple to check for patterns of systemic abuse or overuse, and base the reports/etc off of it.

    So if someone keeps reporting their neighbour, for instance, and random other people arent reporting them, the reporter would be flagged. Im not saying 1 to 1 report to punishment. It could be used in a healthy manner as anything from a simple flag so when a cop is close to a car that's being (or often is) reported they can watch them, but need independent cause for action, to action taken when there's a consistent, patterned, history of reports from several otherwise unconnected individuals.

    I still think the legal process should apply, not blindly.
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    @awesomeest I need to get the app that I can mark there are cops. Pretty sure most speeders use this. Then I just click there are cops when I want people to stop speeding. However, I don't like touching my phone at all in the car. So that is a problem.
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    @Demolishun holy shit…..WTF is this freak show pile of dead monkey anuses?? I just found out about this waste of oxygen and her dog who needs immediate vet attention but not as urgent as that fucking person she hit with her car on YouTube.

    This sack of bile needs to be banned from driving, society and from owning any fucking animal for her worthless ass life and shipped to an island of cannibals

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