Recruiter contacts me on a software dev jobs platform because my profile looks great.

Job is for a fullstack JS developer and they use React, Node.js and some other stuff I've never touched.

Nowhere on my profile is any mention of React.

I thank him for reaching out and politely decline an interview by stating I have zero experience with React.

He says, oh, he thought I'd be willing to learn React since I know vue.js.

Why do people think learning a new JS framework is easy, and that devs who use a similar framework is willing to learn another one, and that "it's all just JS in the end"?

React is not just JS, it's fucking spaghetti. The React code I've read was cognitively demanding to decipher (or maybe I am low IQ lol), because it's not "just JS". It's a nasty spaghetti of HTML, CSS, and TypeScript.

  • 6
    Sorry, that‘s on you. You must be able and willing to learn a new framework in a language you‘re already familiar with, sometimes even a new language.
  • 3
    @possum I'm not necessarily unwilling to learn a new framework in the same language as one I've been using, I just find it a bit annoying to be constantly bugged by recruiters with React jobs. Maybe I should just spell it out, "NO REACT, GO AWAY" lmao.

    If I desperately wanted the job, I'd take it if offered and learn React. I'm not desperate, and I just don't want to learn React. I'm not always sure that the recruiters know the learning that would be required. I know plenty of folks who come from Angular and won't touch React, because they don't get it for some reason.
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    @jestdotty I suppose I'm also at a point in my career where I've figured out what I like doing (web applications) with a particular set of tools which I want to master instead of being mediocre with a large set of tools.

    Could potentially put me out of a job in the future, sure, but I'm willing to take that risk.
  • 1
    Just another flash in the pan front end technology. Learn it, don’t learn it. I have forgotten more front end crap than I remember. It is all a shitty facade on unreasonable complexity and continues to suck.
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