
Finally I'm getting my graduation in computer science next monday. I already searched for jobs on LinkedIn in my city. And all the jobs I found were for junior/senior web developer , CMS, and few jobs for mobile dev. I already worked both in mobile and web , and those are fields I don't really enjoy very much. I'm a little discouraged and don't know to accept one of those jobs or move away (but kinda I don't want to).
Guess I'll send my resumee to mc Donald's πŸ€”πŸ˜

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    Just LinkedIn? That’s not enough. There are definitely more than one place that jobs get advertised to, so do try looking into them. Also, utilize your connections, talk to them, have them know you’re looking for a job and if they happen to find someone that’s hiring, tell them to hook you up.

    On another note, mobile and web dev are insanely in-demand now, and will be for a while, so it’s not surprising that you find a lot of jobs related to it. I’m not sure if I’m saying this right but when you say you don’t enjoy web dev, which part of it do you not enjoy, or is it the full stack?
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    I wanted to go into the games industry, but apparently game studios don't like hiring grads, so I now work for an app studio and just make games in my free time instead
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    Be happy about that , im software engineering student in iran , i don't even have that chances man😞
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    @Japorized well I'll try getting in touch with my graduated friends,but as far as I know they all work in web development πŸ˜‚. The things I don't like about it is that it's all focalized and limited on e-commerce and management systems. i'm much more interested in engineering, automation and electronics πŸ€”
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    @ozeta86 You don’t know if they actually know people that are in the field that you’re interested in though. So just talk to them and let them know what you want.

    Since you’re into automation, you have definitely picked up or at the very least heard of machine learning, and that is applicable and sought for in a lot of fields in CS-related jobs today. Do try marketing that interest. As for engineering and electronics, they sound more like interest in hardware to me, and the three as a bundle sounds like robotics. Hardware-related jobs can still be a little easier to find but there are barely any cities that are really into robotics yet.
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    @Ezard Me too! I'm not at uni yet (start next year). Why wouldn't they want to hire graduates? :)
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    @Wytchley High-risk, mainly

    Plus, since I'm in the UK where there isn't a huge amount of game studios, I mainly applied to companies abroad, and "foreign grad" is even higher risk than "grad" :)
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