
Has anyone started learning Q#? Or do you think it's creation was a little optimistic on Microsoft's part?

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    Is this that "quantum" simulation language they'd come up with a while ago?
    As far as I remember it was just a thin layer over the mathematics. Like they had Hadamard operators for the Hadamard gate, and stuff like that. You can build something similar in like a couple of hours in python.
    Could have improved since then though. And I could be totally off the mark.
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    Seems cool!! Didn't know about it. One of my projects I did at uni was to write a quantum computing simulator. I used python, also overloaded some operators and you could use it in a python repl to manipulate qubits (and quregisters which I just came up with to simulate a bundle of qubits). Memory usage was of course exponential, but it computed fairly quickly by outsourcing the matrix multiplications required to the GPU.

    You could also "observe" the qubits and that collapsed the probabilities down to a vector of classical bits. Most of the quantum logic gates were implemented but some control flow was missing so I couldn't implement the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm :( since then I didn't really touch that code.
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    @mzeffect Just implement basic Hadamard and CNOT, Deutsch-Jozsa is easy after that.
    And yeah, that exponential memory usage is crazy. Ate up 16gigs in like no time at all.
    And yes, even in my thing you could observe qbits, which was pretty unfair, but hey :p
    Explaining teleportation got a lot easier though!
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    @RememberMe yeah... Especially observing without collapsing. Had a peek function 😁 defying physics for debugging purposes.
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    @mzeffect "For debugging purposes" can justify almost anything xD

    @dontbeevil indeed. But then I probably wouldn't be able to run games on it, so....
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