
I think I’m gonna switch to Manjaro from Ubuntu Budgie... At least on laptop for a test drive.

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    Waiting for updates here
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    Huge step forward.
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    I use Manjaro KDE for over a year now. It is awesome. I used KDE Neon before, but Manjaro is much much better. The Arch repository plus the AUR repository excels the experience.
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    @cleyton @nathanchere so since Manjaro is based on Arch, can I officially say “I use arch btw”?
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    @athlon I guess so. I personally use Manjaro and like it alot, it gives you the flexibility(/control) of arch without all the involved setup.
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    @athlon well... I wouldn't say that. For example, in the Arch forum some users complain that manjaro users are asking question there saying that "this is a Arch Forum, not manjaro one.". So I guess the community likes to keep things very separated.
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    @cleyton well... I guess that’s like going to Debian forum with Ubuntu problems...
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    @athlon not quite. Manjaro is more of a pre-setup version of arch (even more so if you use the manjaro architect iso). If manjaro has the issue, arch likely has it too.
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    @chabad360 that's not correct. Manjaro does not use the Archlinux packages. They compile their own packages using an arch like repository structure. Thus if there are problems with those package the arch forum is not a good place to go to.

    @athlon So the answer is no - you wouldn't be using arch
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    @pain true, but I believe the main difference between the arch and manjaro packages is whether or not the package issues are resolved by the build or by install. the chances of there being an issue with a manjaro package that can't be solved in the arch fourm is -I believe- rather unlikely.

    Also, I'm pretty sure all pakages that are in the arch repos are in the respective manjaro ones too, just they only get built a little bit later.
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