
So the story. I got a job as an Android developer in a consulting company. I didn't have any certificates and even degree. Just some easy apps on Google Play which I created to combine learning and practice. After 5 Months I got my first client project and company gave me a senior with 6 years of experience so he can teach me. That guy is a complete shit and I have to teach him how to do stuff. So I am doing the most worm in the project. Sometimes I don't even manage with my tasks because I have to fix his code and explain him why so and when it won't work. As a result, the client subestimates me. Makes me work harder and I have 10$/h and him 60$/h. What shall I do ?

  • 0
    Wtf, what was his 6 years of experiences in ?
  • 1
    You log the fuck out of everything so that you can cover your ass in the event of shit going south.
  • 1
    You get YOUR money for YOUR work, not for HIS work. Let him fail.
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