
I have a disgusting corporate wanna be manager in my company and i fucking want him to die.

He thinks he owns the company... by just the way he walks.. u could tell he believes everyone around him to be his underling.

hes not actually good in anything but he is amazing at posting about how we need more descipline in the company every now and then. most employees here are workaholics who love their jobs too much and stay more than needed and yet he likes to remind them they need to be *desciplined* enough to be here at 10 sharp. (most are 15 to 30 mins late but everyone stays hours extra voluntarily...).

i wish he'd stop thinking he is qualified to micro manage nor is he supposed to. some of the people (not even including myself) that he is calling undesciplined are literally the reason he still has a job because of the weekends and all nighters they voluntarily put in.

Rot in hell u micro managing corporate wanna be asshole...

Rot in hell

  • 4
    Just tell him "ok i will be here 10 sharp, but lso leave at 5pm sharp" ? Is it ok for u ?
    Tell also "if you dont recognize the value of the effort that been made, it will eventually stop, and you will be the cause"

    Tell him also: "observe developer and learn how they function, and stop seeing best practive management videos on youtube and think this is life, grow up kid"
  • 0
    You my friend are an enabler. Get your undisciplined friends together and let them hang the next time a Weekender or all nighter comes up.

    He will pin it on you guys. You can tell upper management that you will not be further insulted by the manager that can't plan and destroyed any good will with his behaviour.
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