
cant there be a ci/cd pipeline that just works without a hundred hours of configurations... ugh

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    There are several
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    @Plasticnova as long as it isn't BitBucket
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    @Tayo I stay away from atlassian products, not a fan
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    @Plasticnova yeah we're planning at work on moving away as well. The downtime is the worst part..
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    gitlab, supposed to work, but doesnt
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    @kleopi GitLab is imo one of the nicest. They have plenty of examples on how to set up a pipeline. Of course, depending on the project, it may take a few hours to set up.
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    travis-ci!!! fuck jenkins, fuck teamcity
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    I’ve not had a single issue with gitlab ci, nor travisci. IMO those two are the best atm
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    Gitlab ♥️
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    anyone who tried autodevops of gitlab to k8s?
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    @kleopi I wanted to try it, but by the time I was ready, gitlab didn't support RBAC auth, so the cluster had to be somewhat open. It was a no go for me, I think they support that now
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    CodePipeline in AWS. Can probably set it up in 5 mins. Setup a webhook to GitHub so its automatically triggered.
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    Bare git repo and some githooks would be easiest, at least for smaller tasks. Push and wait. Iirc gitlab also uses githooks for their CI tools
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