
Now my facebook messenger app does it's updates inside the app without my consent to install an apk.
I'm scared

  • 0
    Same apk, /data/ changes
  • 0
    Have you ever had your phone rooted by an app downloading sh scripts to /data !!
    I get new features on messenger, i can stream live video, it's not new emojis I'm getting. Look at the attached pic
  • 0
    Let me know if you find something,
    Btw i'm beta tester for the app @Kushtrim
  • 2
    @src-tz it's possible that the in-app /data updates are toggling a switch to activate existing code. It's still not good if they don't include it in the changelog, though (which never changes...).
  • 1
    Google play, Amazon app store, and now Facebook can all do silent updates. They are able to install and update apps in the background without confirmation or action on part of the user.
  • 3
    In JavaSE you can dynamically load jar files from internet. Could be something similiar.
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