
Wanted to try either of Angular Js or Meteor Js. Which one shoul I?

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    Angular2. AngularJS is dead.
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    @Lasse any specific reason as to why should I try angular and not meteor?
  • 5
    They're not really comparable, they do different things. You can use both at the same time - Meteor comes with its own front end framework (Blaze), but you can easily use Angular instead, or React.

    Check http://www.meteor.com/tutorials for examples of each.
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    @kvsm As far as I could understand, they're both used for Web app dev. The only significant difference I could spot was that meteor could be used for backend too. That's why I thought of meteor to be sort of better than angular js.
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    @thecode yep, that's exactly right. Meteor is front and back end, but you can replace the front end with Angular or some other framework if you want to. ☺
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    If you want to make an Android app don't use meteor. Is really slow. Instead of that you can better use ReactNative. Seems to be faster. O and Angular is never a bad idea to learn
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    Isn't meteor dead ?
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    React, elm or clojurescript
  • 3
    You can use Angular with Meteor. They different things.
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