
I don't think this is how heatsinks work...

  • 6
    We have been doing this wrong for so long.
  • 1
    I think this goes up-side-down on to the processor itself? So it should be working as intended?
  • 4
    Always remember: "Advertising/stock photos will never show you the right way to use computer parts/tools"
  • 1
    @perfectdark in which case, the CPU is upside down
  • 0
    Yeah man, the further your cpu is away from your mobo, the cooler it is.
  • 1
    Tbh fam, server processors are magic utilities that don't seem to follow normal conventions. That heatsink may fry my I5, but maybe for a xeon that is how they expect it? Idk
  • 0
    I somehow got to ... If a cpu was in space... It would overheat... Cause it couldn't transfer the heat 🤔
  • 0
    @chasb96 heat transfers through particles... If the cpu was in a vacuum. I e space. It couldn't transfer heat and therefore it overheats... Unless it emits radiation ... Of some kind
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