
My dream is to make video games. Knowing that I learn Java at school, which langage is the most appropriate for you? My teacher, who is a java fan, told me java, of course. On internet I found c or c++, and I even found a JS framework (phaser), but the doc wasn't great.
Do you have advices ?

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    @macso I made c# three years ago but I didn't understand this language, so it scares me ^^
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    Minecraft is in Java. All (?) AAA games are in C++, 'cause it's fast as fuck AND object oriented. I'm sure there is Python games

    Depends on the game actually, if you want to make cool indie games, Java/C#/Python are probably good. If you want to be hired at Ubisoft, you'll need C++!
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    First i guess you should make any game really, even pong, and that you can make in literally anything. If you have knowledge of programming in general (for given paradigm) learning new languages shouldn't be that hard. So pick one, grok it as much as you can and make a game, before your language starts to limit you, you will know enough (hopefully) to make informed choice
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    I already made a minesweeper in java, so I think maybe I'll stay on it :)
    Thanks a lot on your reviews!
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    @Enocra BTW you gotta be interested in game design, for which i strongly recommend ExtraCredits YT channel
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    @Arlekin I'll take a look, thanks a lot!
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    On steam, theres the godot engine... Kiss principle
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    @linuxer4fun Godot engine ftw!
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    Everyone knows that Scala is going to be the language of choice for games by 2018.
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    @panzer-ragu no, html5 and css
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    @linuxer4fun lol. that's adorable.
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    @panzer-ragu xD and no js allowed :+)
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