
Anyone else remember that thing with the turtle that you gave instructions to and it'd draw lines?

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    Logomotion was the first one I experienced, but there's like infinite number of them. It's quite easy to code.
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    I wasn't aware of this turtle thing but I came across it recently upon reading the book from the inventor itself.
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    What's great about it is if you played with it as a kid you had nice intro to using canvas and alikes
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    Was all about doing repeat 36 [square rt 10] and thinking you're l33t.
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    Thanks Comenius Logo for making our childhood IT classes amazing!
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    Logo. It introdiced programming for me when I was very little. 7-8 I think. I wrote my first game in logo for a competition. It started everything for me :)
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    I remember it as micromundos pro and you told the turtle to move writing or not telling it to use the pen 🐢😅
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    I know it as Kara, a Java program that lets you use ruby code for programming the turte
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    Oh man... you just gave me huge flashbacks. Logo turtle!
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    Learned Logo on an Apple 2E in middle school. Then a geek friend walked in and coded up a helicopter flight sim from mere pseudocode in a computer magazine. I've been trying to catch up to that skill level ever since.
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    When they stopped teaching LOGO in schools and started teaching Office, programming became a nerdy thing instead of a fun thing to do for anyone.
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