  • 9
    On HN a while back there was an interesting article about a small team who made a game.

    They detailed all the tools they used, what they thought of them and etc.

    Way more interesting than this super high level concept of 'languages used in video games'.
  • 3
    Minecraft is actually in the C++ box.
    Was rewritten in C++ a long time ago so it could run on consoles.
  • 3
    @hjk101 not the same game actually. Most minecraft players and pro players are still on the Java edition (and will probably stay there).
  • 2
    @hjk101 that’s bedrock edition, Java edition is still available and up to date so if anything it’s in a Java/C++ box
  • 1
    Time to unite my fellow gamers, time to call yet another raid against dungeon bosses, time to conquer leaderboards and become legends!
  • 1
  • 3
    1. This doesn't belong on devrant - we're not some dumping grounds of pointless shit.

    2. Minecraft is in both Java and C++ depending on where you're playing it.

    3. Fortnite is arguably not C++.

    4. Among Us is not C++, it is C#. It uses il2cpp for source code protection, which is automated. I wrote some of the first hacks for Among Us, it's 100% written in C#.
  • 1
    @junon Fortnite probably is C++ in the end, but I think for development they use UE4 blueprints most of the time.
  • 2
    Apparently IL2CPP is now C++.

    Who the fuck even makes these stupid Instagram posts?
  • 0
    @gibus yeah I know. I also found that ridiculous when I first heard about it. But there are actually pro minecraft players.
  • 0
    @react-guy name one.
  • 0
    @gibus Dream (https://m.youtube.com/c/dream/...). Given that he has advertisements enabled and I think a few sponsorships, his videos garner double digit millions of views and thus he could easily sustain himself financially doing just minecraft videos.

    Thus, that would be the definition of "professionally".

    A simple google search does wonders.
  • 0
    @junon Firstly, I did google "professional minecraft player" and the results were basically "I hired a pro minecraft player for $5", and a bunch of discussions about who the best minecraft player is. So the "simple google does wonders" only reinforces my initial assumption.

    Secondly you have described a content creator. A pro gamer makes money playing games competitively, not making videos of themselves playing games.
    So you have not convinced me that 'pro' minecraft players exist without warping the meaning of the term to include every streamer and youtuber.
  • 1
    > A pro gamer makes money playing games competitively

    Says who?

    That person makes their primary income playing Minecraft. Do you, as a professional software developer, make your money by writing code in competitions? Probably not.
  • 1
    @gibus yeah your definition of pro gamer is quite narrow. Of course it's not competitive gamers!

    They are guys out there who play minecraft 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, so they can showcase their creation, mainly through YouTube. I don't know what you call that, but it looks like a job to me.
  • 0
    @react-guy @junon
    I understand where you're coming from I just disagree with your logic.

    The real questions for me are A) 'if they stopped making videos would they have any income?' For youtubers who make money from ad revenue I'd argue this makes them a content creator.
    B) 'Does the money come directly from playing games or indirectly?' again, they're not on a salary or living off competition earnings, they're living off youtube money. The money comes directly from the videos, not playing games.

    Personally as a professional engineer, I make a salary based on the engineering work I perform. If I hypothetically made a youtube channel where I did recreational engineering and made money off that I would not be considered a professional engineer.

    So no, I don't consider them a professional gamer, they're a professional content creator because it's the content creation that makes them money.
  • 1
    @gibus let's agree to disagree then
  • -1
    @gibus Is a content creator not a professional? lol

    If you stopped writing software, would you still make money from your software? Such a narrow line of reasoning...

    Does your code directly make you money? Or does the code you write for your company and the money the company ultimately brings in that is paid back to you, make you money?

    You're not thinking very critically, here.
  • 0
    @junon You either didn't read my comment or didn't understand it. I think my current understanding is quite sound.

    As a side note and to be clear:
    I'm not a professional programmer. I'm an engineer, I design tangible things. I do write code in my profession, but only to do my job easier.

    I get paid regardless of whether or not my company makes money, and frankly in my previous company, we were never cash-flow positive. So I got paid for providing engineering services, which never made the company any money. If I stopped providing services, I obviously wouldn't make any money from the services I'm not providing.

    Given that you're now resorting to passive-aggressive insults, and that you have failed to convince me (and I have been open to being convinced) that professional minecraft players exist (in the same sense that someone would refer to a CD:GO, DOTA, OW professional). I am aware that people make money on youtube. There is no more to be gained from this discussion.
  • 0
    @gibus hahahahahahaha.

  • 1
    @gibus sounds like you just want to be right. Soooo :

    Yeah you're right. Professional gamers is only applicable if it is in a competitive manner, regardless of the game being competitive or not in the first place.
    I can't wait for the next animal crossing competition!
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