  • 6
    @Elfocrash Please do say what is this mythical well-designed programming language? ☺
  • 3
    @arekxv there is no such thing as you describe it. There are better designed languages tho
  • 4
    @Elfocrash And no doubts they have flaws and quirks of their own... but I guess their quirks arent as popular as PHPs so people keep referring them as better designed. ☺
  • 4
    Please, I know PHP but haven't looked that much into other languages so far. I am genuinly asking: Why all the hate on PHP?
  • 7
    @jkrzefski it's just an easy target. It was good because it was the only solid free option and don't get me wrong, it still is. It will probably never be the reason of any problems. I just don't like languages that make me feel that they hate me.
  • 12
    As a Java/.NET developer who has worked with PHP in the earlier years (pre PHP7 and laravel etc) it used to be and still possibly is an ugly language compared to the more OO driven languages such as Java and C#. I feel that most of the hatred for PHP comes from experienced developers who have a big thing for OOP and design patterns. Working in industry i have picked up on how much developers hate PHP due to it being such a slow developing language compared to C# for example. The qualms i have with PHP is mostly the lack of direction it has, it was first a templating language for HTML when it was first released and then made its way into CMS and other applications like WordPress and in my opinion is still trying to pick a sense of direction. It's like being in a classroom where everyone is asking you questions and pushing you about and you don't know who to answer. I also feel that the community around PHP isn't helping the language but is building around it to make it useful for others
  • 5
    There are also some other things i dislike about it like errors Vs exceptions, i don't feel like there is any decent exception handling in PHP. Mimicking OOP which doesn't really work because the foundation of the language was mostly procedural and functional. Type hinting instead of being strongly typed. These are just my points and opinions.
  • 12
    PHP is hated for its flexibility.
    For having a non opinionated community.
    For having the best idea to prototype time.
    For running the biggest websites in the world. Facebook, Millions of WordPress sites and yes, the one you have been ranting your heart out.

    PHP is hated because it's easy & flexible enough for the noobs to learn in in days and get a site out but a lack of opinion on how to do things that dumb OOP gurus love and depend on.

    No doubt there are other languages our there which do a certain task better than PHP but you have to admit. If it wasn't for PHP you'd be sitting at your sad little desk, talking to your rubber duck and pulling your hair out when you feel the urge to rant and the only person who will ever listen to it is yourself!!
  • 2
    @jAsE C# is becoming an absolute gold-mine of a language. Take Xamarin for instance, I've had multiple job-offers in the past month or so solely for development in Xamarin which utilises C# as it's language to build mobile applications. I think Microsoft are doing extremely well with the language, support and frameworks right now and everyone wants to switch.
  • 3
    @PhantomBKB you guys use the word flexible way too much without really understanding that this is not necessarily a good thing. There is a reason why abstraction is one of the basic principles of oop
  • 4
    @jkrzefski http://phpsadness.com among many other reasons
  • 1
    "I'm write c# proprietary language, I'm better than you, nanana.."
  • 1
    @mk3d apply cold water to the affected area
  • 2
    @Elfocrash i can't, u are too far
  • 0
    @Ashkin all these years and only 10 minor sadness? Php still better than this comment
  • 0
    @rehman most of them have been fixed over the years. The devs know of the site, too, you know 😋
  • 0
    @Ashkin :p because old devs would have become comfortable with sloppy code but devs like me who didn't like php's sadness would have done the enhancement
  • 0
    But I like PHP ;_;
  • 0
    me use php? pssssst.
  • 0
    Worst? Intercal? Malbolge? Or worst of them all - JavaScript?
  • 1
    @Elfocrash you mean a well designed beast language like C :)
  • 1
    Because it supports passing by reference BUT "as of PHP 5.4.0, call-time pass-by-reference was removed, so using it will raise a fatal error", so now you can pass by reference BUT YOU DONT FUCKING KNOW WHEN :)))))
  • 0
    I still don't understand the hate people have for PHP. When used in an object oriented context, it ends up being better than most other languages. I might even go as far to say it's better than C++ and Java (and I love both of those languages).
  • 0
    @Elfocrash Abstraction allows for flexibility though, right?
  • 0
    @Elfocrash Besides, php supports interfaces and pure virtual functions, so I don't get your comment.
  • 0
    @typodeaf you do get that all the shit is coming from when then language wasn't even properly oo right? You take it too seriously. Php used to be the best and only powerful free tool. Now that's it's not we can take the piss out of it no problem.
  • 0
    Proper programming and proper languages don't do non stop type juggling like PHP does

    I use PHP often thought, but it's an language full of workarounds instead of proper code, and the worst code you can find on the net.

    Even Wordpress where some referred to here, is so full of shit that they give up to support "strict" mode
  • 0
    @px06 Agreed. Java and c# here mainly. I used to code often in PHP and despise how sloppily it's put together. I also have yet to see anyone's PHP that doesn't make me want to gouge my eyes out. I mainly hate it because it's object orientation is half baked and it's syntax is horribly ugly. The only feature it has going for it is that somehow people keep using it.
  • 2
    As someone who loves the shit out of the more pure and perfect languages like haskell and rust...

    ...each time I hear someone complain about a "lesser" language all I hear is "my coding habits are so bad that I can't handle all this flexibility"

    Sure, languages like PHP and JS can be a bit inconsistent, they're organically grown instead of thoughtfully designed. But in the hands of a skilled dev who sticks to some best practices, these impure languages lead to high productivity.

    Plus the later iterations like PHP7 and ES6 fix most of the really problematic stuff anyway.
  • 0
    @bittersweet Hey year ago me — you're a retard. PHP project has grown to millions of lines, our startup has hundreds of employees. No best practices are helping, PHP is a blunt tool, and you can't hire only seniors in a market with developer shortage.

    Year ago me: Please go fuck yourself.
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