
I have a complex about my nose. I was about to bite the fucking bullet and do something about it. Literally just waiting for the procedure room to be ready, when I kept asking myself wtf I was doing. Then looked at my nose again and realized that it really wasn't that big a deal. Not when compared to dealing with internal bleeding and pain for weeks, plus a painful procedure.

Even after all these years, all these accomplishments, all this experience, I'm still a dumb fuck.

Now then, I'll go put some of the money I didn't waste to good use. Like videogames, hookers, and blow. Probably just the former.

  • 1
    Hookers approved!
  • 4
    Now you can get a different kind of nose job! Nice!
  • 1
    good fucking job man. i fucking love cocaine. and the other things too.
  • 0
    Form nose job to blow job...good upgrade...
  • 0
    fuck yeah, finally someone who understand shallowness
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