
Everyone is getting too sensitive. Soon enough you can’t call someone a noob or a junior.

  • 5
    REEEEEEEEE you triggered me because you tried to call me a git through the command line and I am offended.

    Please use SVN instead to stop offending people.
  • 1
    @PepeTheFrog How dare you to use SVN? It's CVS all the way.
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    It bugged me at first, but I realise that I care less and less. If it comes with "main" by default, I might not even change it.
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    But yeah this whole inclusive speech crap is actual cancer.

    I wonder who actually thinks it makes a drop sense to censor words out of context in this field.
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    Master of the arcane 🧙‍♂️
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    Use the fucking joke/meme button to post a fucking joke/meme. It's not hard. It even says "joke/meme".
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    I changed my default value for a new project in github to master, the inconsistency between main and all my old projects' master branches would have bugged me
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    @PepeTheFrog We are evolving, but backwards.
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    Yeah, except that "noob" is deliberately derogatory slang.
  • 9
    Only true devs will rename "master" to "slaveowner"
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    @PonySlaystation been there, done that
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    @PepeTheFrog SVN? Now I'm offended, I'm no Stupid Vaccinated Neckbeard!
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    Careful there, @C0D4. "Stupid" and "vaccinated" next to each other and in that order might spark a whole new debate.
  • 2
    Come to think of it: even in the opposite order it will spark a debate.
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    @IntrusionCM I'll see your CVS and raise you SourceSafe.
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    @PepeTheFrog didn't you know, this is the primary drive for Microsoft to replace 'git' with 'gh'.

    It's to be more inclusive to the gitiots in the workplace.
  • 6
    @kamen I'm there. I work with a bunch of other people and if they create the repo as main, so be it.

    Since I maintain the pipelines though, master reigns on. I fucking refuse to rewrite all 50+ pipeline scripts just to appease some snowflakes.

    The day anyone complains, is the day they take over pipeline management and good fucking riddance.
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    @Fast-Nop should have been here when it was really bad… lol
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    @PepeTheFrog not the whole. only 99%. but that's just a result of those _actually_ doing something for equal rights not kicking out those overreaching, reality-starved SJW-freaks.

    @vintprox nope. it _literally_ just means "newbie". it's not derogatory in any way, it just describes someone wich the skillset of "just having started". which is totally fine, if you've just started.
  • 3
    Don't use /release branches either. I use /final-solution branches now!
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    I'm a maintainer, not a mastertainer.
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    Wow, someone is very sensitive about branch names, can't even bear that people change the default branch name from master to main! What a weakling!
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    @fraktalisman but I'm a master craftsman...
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    @kamen if you don't draw the line it never stops. This is how extremist fuckers work. Good old https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/... analogy applies here.
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    @hjk101 we’re gonna draw the line on this? Changing from master to main? Really lol? Screw world hunger, sex trafficking, war crimes and homelessness then huh? Lol
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    It's shorter.
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    @ScribeOfGoD Putting out a dumpster fire in my back ally does not mean that I don't care about/encourage a raging forrest fire on the other side of the world. It's just something I don't encounter or can exert enough influence on.
    In this analogy I'm being generous as fire are both the topics you are widely of topic. (One can even pick another random world problem and say you apparently don't care about that because your left it out)

    Making a fuss about something that is completely unrelated is exactly why I object the renaming of master. A master copy has nothing to do with (black) slave masters.
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    @hjk101 Just like obtaining a master degree doesn't mean you get some black slaves to do your housework.
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    @hjk101 I never said anything about slaves, I don’t care either way. My point is this is where we draw the line? Being so voicetorus about this subject but quiet about others that effect a wider radius more violently? vs a naming scheme on git
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    @ScribeOfGoD please learn how to read
    A never said you mentioned slaves I mentioned you go for unrelated nonsense
    B you going on about them other lines again and accuse me of not caring.
    C the name of the app is DevRant not HungerGames

    I'm in a group at work that actively addresses some your stated problems so you are way out of line anyway. Also retarding speech is a serious thing that deserves attention. We can draw a line per subject.
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    @hjk101 😂😂😂 whatever you say pal. Good luck with the unit test ✌️
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