Fuck Microsoft teams

That is all

  • 7
    Why does this piece of shit software consume 10-15% of the CPUs time?

    Like what are you doing that needs this much performance???
  • 5
    And a whole gigabyte of ram

    Actual digital tumor
  • 8
    @LotsOfCaffeine because they want to sell you surface laptops.
  • 7
    10% and 1GB ram 😂

    Just wait till you get an update where hardware acceleration goes sideways, and with either your camera or someone else's camera on, 80% cpu (i7) and 16GB of ram is more like it.
  • 1
    @C0D4 NSA survailance tech!!!!!
  • 1
    @C0D4 thankfully almost no one in the company turns on their webcam
  • 0
    Try screen sharing on a 4k … 200% cpu and several GBs of ram …
  • 0
    @ostream burn them into the ground.

    Does somebody have a metasploit instance available, configured to run autoexploit automatically?
  • 0
    @gogokun compared to IRC, shitty and low.
  • 0
    @ostream real question: why are you buying a work laptop yourself, shouldn't that be supplied by your employer?
  • 2
    Electron bad
  • 1
    On my 8gig memory laptop, I have to turn off Teams in order to get docker desktop running. Otherwise it gives insufficient memory error.
  • 0
    @ostream you dont take the laptop home? Huh?

    I'd never do any company work on a private laptop unless somehow necessary (with some open source stuff for example).
  • 0
    @homomorphicanus also .net/react/c#/java/bootstrap/jquery/Flash.

    And don't forget windows
  • 1
    Because it's "Microsoft"
  • 1
    Microsoft Teams is a large-scale effort within Microsoft that aligns the company's most incompetent software engineers with their UI designers who have been identified by clinical psychologists as having the deepest and most unrelenting hatred for their fellow human beings. The goal is to combine their efforts to establish a rigorous metric by which to measure the ineptitude of Chief Technology Officers and Chief Information Officers in modern corporate environments.

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