
Who wants to destroy the internet with a piece of electrical tape?

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    Now that I'm thinking about it, you could accomplish the same thing with a laser pointer....
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    EDIT HERE IS THE LINK: https://youtu.be/1cUUfMeOijg

    A few years ago tom made a video about and if I remember correctly they said they have multiple random number "generators"
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    @jonas-w when I read "Tom", I somehow knew it was Tom Scott. πŸ˜„
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    Ruining cloudflare?
    I’m down.
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    It is probably just fake. Lava lamps aren't the best source for enthropy - but a wall of them looks impressive.

    It's marketing all the way down. And turtles. But actually more marketing.
  • 4
    "It's marketing all the way down. And turtles. But actually more marketing."

    But also, it's marketing. Don't forget it's marketing.
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    @domfoo Sorry, had to sneeze hard. I try to be more careful next time. Can't really promise anything though - you know how it is with sneezing...
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    @domfoo this is why I was called to work from my holidays…
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    If this is for marketing, we should consider making a kittens based RNG 🧢🐈
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    @rov3rand0m But living beings die when you do not care for them. While lots of cute kittens are good for marketing while alive, only one visible dead kitten dramatically changes that. Lava lamps need way less care and there is no negative PR when someone spots a dead one...
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    @Oktokolo even though it's dead it can still provide enough randomness until it stops rotting.
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    @sariel Sure, but the randomness is easier generated by measuring thermal noise in a semiconductor. Also nowadays all mainstream desktop and server CPUs actually come with integrated hardware random number generators and additional hardware number generators based on different principles are available as ready-to-use PCIE cards on the free market. So rolling your own boils down to pure marketing anyways...
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    @Oktokolo totally agree, but I still think the coolest RNG I ever saw was using cosmic background radiation.
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    In the magical world of make believe that would indeed create randomness
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    @catgirldev what do they even do again ?
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    @catgirldev I only see them used to prevent viewing cam girl previews too much
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    You guys do know that the navier stokes equation is inherently random and chaotic right?

    So these lava lamps are a valid random source.

    Is it way over the top? Sure.
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