I had a dream but I don't remember what it was about.

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    It's all normal physiology, not every dream you can remember.
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    I once reas a book about lucid dreaming and one of the main ideas in order to improve dream frequency and remembering is to write them down as soon as you wake up

    Basically keep a notebook by your bed and as soon as you wake up write anything that you remember, in no particular order

    After a few months, i started dreaming almost every other night (i don't have more than 1 dream per month at most usually) and writing them down took from forgetting 90% of them to remeber like 70%
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    I was just reading your rant, but.. I forgot what it was about...
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    That means you had best sleep of your life... except death
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    @Crickash Weird first comment but welcome!
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    @Drunkzee I might have the same book. I think it said something along the lines of "everyone has several dreams every night, it just takes practice to even remember a few of them"
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    @localpost did it talk a lot about brain activity during the night? REM sleep and all that
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    @c3r38r170 Thanks lol
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    @Drunkzee Who doesn't?
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    @AlgoRythm No wonder, I stole it from your brain's RAM and replaced it with a Justin Bieber concert...
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    I thought I had a thought but I was just dreaming
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