The Internet has gotten weird to a point that the girl I wanna go out with said yes after me sending this picture as a conversation starter.

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  • 6
    My relationship with the internet is a strong love/hate relationship.
  • 2
    I mean what in the fuck?!?
    People are just weird ig.
  • 10
    Holy shit I just realised that I'm drunk.
  • 7
    I find it "funny" how things like these are so completely unexplainable to people who are not of the internet culture, that even if you tried to do so, you would just seem unhinged.
  • 8
    Maybe she's into feasting on a corpse.... are you sure that's not her little kink.
  • 11
    Dark humor is like food. Some people don't get it.
  • 2
    You know
    Never been to Germany
    Through it
    Just didn't stop
  • 3
    Well, why would you leave some good meat to rot? 🤔
  • 3
    @fruitfcker can confirm, she's a memelord.
    Marriage time
  • 3
    There was a dude that was posting the shit he was doing to his girlfriend on facebook. I saw some of the posts. One said something like: "I like to push it in and pull it out slowly". The dude was talking about stabbing his girlfriend and posting it live while he was doing this shit. He was later arrested for murdering his girlfriend. There is dark humor, and there is sick fucks. Sometimes hard to tell apart.
  • 2
    @Ranchonyx My dude, you've struck gold.
  • 1
    Does her name rhyme with Dahmer?
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