
I finally got a working D&D Dungeon Master AI working right, a lot of actions have to be presented before the full combat round, but the results are all unique, but it still isn't creative enough to add more then 2 npc with conversation skills, I think there's some hidden blocks in the backend :/

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    Completely ignore the op protection spell >.>
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    I think you just stumbled upon the first real limitation of the AI. There will be more as you start to use it seriously.

    I had the same issues with Stable Diffusion when I started using it. Everyone called it the end of all artists, and how it will replace everyone and everything art related. But the moment I tried to use it for a real project rather than just random bits and pieces it became unusable and very hard to work with efficiently.

    ChatGPT will fall into the same category for people once they overcome the hype. Because it's still not a real person but just an imitation of what it learned from and it's memory is super short compared to any real human. It would not be able to keep up with a long running D&D game. Eventually it's memory consists of just all the tokens it can fill into it's input, which is a limited number and starts being shifted out after a while. I can't source the exact size because they are being so hush hush about it though
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    @Hazarth honestly I personally hate chat ais
    Especially on websites
    I always type agent when possible except in exceedingly limited cases
    Information retrieval is one thing customer service is another
    I want to speak with someone trained to make me happy when something goes wrong or with social impulses that doesn't mind a joke and wasn't raised to be a weird spiteful hateful animal.
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    In this case, it's very probable that you hit a hidden block alright. Whenever an AI has a closed feedback loop (meaning it is using your input as new training, context, or whatever), it's dangerous to make it talk to itself.

    You can easily get into destructive feedback loops.
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    Dude just get AI Dungeon.
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    @iSwimInTheC already have it but I have more control on openchat
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    @iSwimInTheC AI Dungeon is probably great as a tool when writing a novel or something. But as an adventurer, you have to be real careful about your wording. That beast has no real memory of its own. It will happily kill, reincarnate or morph characters to match the words you give it.
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