
tictactoe squared. An online game build on top of the idea of tictactoe. I build this app with a friend back in the days when we used to go to school using plain html,js and express.js. no fancy frameworks or other tooling

  • 1
    Sounds linkworthy.
  • 1
    4D tictactoe?
  • 2
    @Oktokolo https://ttts.ji-games.com hope i don't get banned for this
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    @llijaz Thanks. On devRant, you don't get banned for posting links.
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    @llijaz if you look at the comments under this rant, you'll know that there's little moderation in devRant if any. https://devrant.com/rants/102868/...

    Now that people may go and downvote and report their posts, it's possible that the accounts get banned. But there are many more similar posts with a ton of spam because not enough users have reported them. It's almost impossible to get banned from here simply due to lack of moderation.
  • 1
    I don't get the GUI - looks like i can only set my stone in a random preselected quadrant while the AI can set its stone in any quadrant.
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    @Oktokolo no it's actually predictable. if you place your piece e.g. in the upper right corner, the ai is forced to put his piece in the upper right field. so you determine in which field the opponent must place their piece
  • 0
    @electrineer that's great. thank you and thank you devrant for being awesome
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