Google asks for consent just for the sake of it:

  • 1
    That's a legit concern I have about any toggle o.o. How do I know I won't get charged again even though I turned off auto renew? How do I know tracking cookies are actually not being used.

    I know I can get everything through pi-hole and other tools to check who's collecting data. But analyzing them and keeping up to date feels like a full time job.

    There are so many levels that can go wrong.
    1. Company meant it to mislead user
    2. Company has good intention but employee messed up
    3. a third party messed up.
  • 1
    Meh. The impact of such "privacy" rules is minimal, because just like in real life, the only thing that can properly protect your privacy online is what you do to prevent exposing information in the first place.

    The only thing privacy laws actually do is give a few big players exclusive access to the data, while banning everyone else from collecting the data they could use to promote opposing ideas or products.
  • 0
    This is literally what i kept asking since i started coding
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