
Bitcoin just went from $2600 to $1870
And ethereum is now $140
Cryptocurrency markrt capacity went almost from $100B to $60B

  • 7
    It didn't "just" went from 2.6k to 1.8k. it gradually happened over last few weeks. Not a new thing in this space.
  • 1
    @HoloDreamer it was over 2 week and it happened very fast
    Last time it went from 2.6k to 2k and then it back to normal 2.6k but this time it is just going down
  • 0
    That's still quite a lot. It was about €800 less than a year ago
  • 1
    @SvenLovell how so?
  • 0
    Of course I bought on the day before the prices started the decline.
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    alphabay is cashing in...
  • 1
  • 0
    Haha i work next to some guys creating a bitcoin trading platform

    Will be funny to see their faces tomorrow.

    They are part of the smug hipster sort of clique, i think their jobs specs demands that they have weird beards ironic tshirts of lumber jack shirts
  • 0
    @SvenLovell Alphabay's down? Holy shit.
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    @python-dev just why I didn't put my money in it
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    @bloodygate2 i dont put any money in it. I just take out money
  • 0
    @DavidKevork isn't it money too? So essentially you're putting in money into money to get money? [ABBA - money money money plays in the background]
  • 1
    @bloodygate2 i am just putting my time for money. Not money for money
    @davidk" style="color: #54556e;">https://steemit.com/@davidk
    Take a look, i got around 15$ for my latest post and after a week it gets paid out and then transfer to bitfoin and cash
    So there is no loss of money, it is just loss of time for me
  • 0
    If you need any form of help with recovering your lost money from your broker or maybe your broker has been asking you to make more deposits before you could make a withdrawal or maybe your account has been manipulated by your broker manager or your broker has blocked your account just because they need you to deposit more funds into your account.

    If you’re interested in getting all your lost money back. Please, contact HackRecovery AT yandex DOT ru, they were the support team that helped me recover my lost funds when I invested in Bitcoin. You can simply send them mail !
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