
God! I hate children! This brat keeps kicking the bench at the cafe.

  • 1
    let it kick :/
  • 2
    at least you don't work in a school
  • 6
    So tell their parents you will be kicking their kid's butt or theirs next.

    Children are not the problem. It's asshat parents who refused to teach them manners.
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    My father decided to have another kid when I was 18. I'm happy honestly, this way I have fresh memories about the struggle and unfathomable sacrifice of having kids when I have to decide.
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    Who needs a relative? Just send them to Siberia and tell them to come back as men or die trying.
  • -1
    Bitch slap the lil shit
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    It's funny for me how in Sweden, a country with one of the strictest laws protecting children, they are so much better behaved, calmer and quieter than in the eastern European shithole i come from where physical and emotional violence towards kids is the norm. Just as if treating kids like little humans will make them act like humans, albeit little.
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    Anyone who attacks kids is an inadequate twat.
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    It's not about attacking kids, it's about disciplining them.

    Which many parents nowadays don't do.

    Like calling me for using curse words in a pub in front of their little twat.

    Well guess what, this ain't a public park. This ain't a place for kids. If you want to bring yours, make sure they don't bother anyone else, or leave them home with some relative/babysitter/whatever.
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    "These days in some countries, parents aren't allowed to teach children anything !"

    Wow, this is so fucked up! :(
  • 2

    Hm, I mean, smacking and fearmongering are also fucked up. I would feel like the space with children's rights being on the level with parents is the safest for my descendants. There are always alternative ways of teaching manners and offering them as a currency of sorts. They fail when parents don't commit.
  • 0
    That'll teach you for being a hipster working in a public place. You can just ask the brat not to do that.. Don't be scared..
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    @Nanos beautiful. Thanks
  • 1
    @Nanos Who even talks about "sweet-talking"? Of course, it's nothing but trouble when they don't know the crux of it. Discuss more with children and let it be an interesting topic to them.

    I concur that preventing them from "slipping on the ice" on every opportunity is stupid, it won't help them in life.
  • 3
    Bear in mind, I don't endorse child abuse.

    Yet I've been hit *several times* in my youth. And it's *no big fucking deal*.

    It taught me straight away that what I did was *not*acceptable.
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    In fact, I would fear these parents that wouldn't dare hit their kids and focus all on talking.

    Psycho/sociopaths develop when they find out they can manipulate anyone, starting with their parents, into what they want.
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    @CoreFusionX survival bias much?
  • 0
    @CoreFusionX being hit "several times" is not a problem and it's not generally considered child abuse. Being hit uncountably many times, on principle, as a reaction to classes of undesirable behavior short of mass destruction is what causes emotional damage.

    I've also been hit several times, but only when my otherwise healthy parents were out of their minds with rage, which classifies the degree of stupidity that elicited this type of reaction.
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    I distinctly remember attempting to dive from a sea ferry because the water seemed nice as one such occasion.
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    The thing about raising children is that they lack common sense and will do things no sane person would ever do. Whatever your principles are, they will be challenged. The limit of what you will do to them is not the limit of what your principles allow but the limit of what you can be brought to do in your worst moments.

    This is why hitting children should not be a part of a parent's principles.
  • 1
    When I say that being hit several times is not considered child abuse, I obviously don't mean in the legal sense, I mean that to the general population the fact that a child has been hit does not imply child abuse without the context of some attempt at normalizing this.
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    @CoreFusionX exactly same here. I deserved it a few times
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    There's a severe distinction between assault and a corrective. I don't know the name in English, a slight slap on the back of your neck (colleja) or a spanking.

    Nothing that will cause any damage or injuries but helps convey the seriousness of the situation.

    It should never be the go-to, but needs to be done when they just won't listen.

    And as @retoor said, I fucking definitely deserved it several times.
  • 1
    Nice to know that this community is some 70% psychopaths ready to beat up a defenseless person :)))
  • 0
    You forgot a `this`.
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