
The company I worked for hired an android engineering manager with 0 managerial and mobile development experience. She merged 3 months of code from a contracting firm without review.

She was hired under the table and fired under the table. Everyone knew she was a dunce, also the scrum master brought it up repeatedly to the director. And then the director fired him and her.

Fuking wild. 🤣

  • 7
    A quick Google search showed she was a test engineer in her previous role. She just made unit tests in Java. That is all.
  • 2
    Did they even read her resume??? I’m impressed she even got the offer
  • 8
    Why was the scrum master fired? Apart from being a Scrum Master
  • 7
    @TeachMeCode she was hired under the table. Rumor has it, the director was taking a cut from her salary. Multiple third party sources confirmed it.
  • 2
    @asgs for speaking up. He worked there for 5 years. But he was a contractor. So they could let him go without an exit interview.
  • 3
    @gagan-suie what the bloody fuck! They should file a criminal case on those assholes
  • 1
    @asgs he wanted me to complain to HR but that would be risking my job potentially. And I got kids to feed lol.
  • 1
    I was just going to say that there are a lot of red flags, then saw that "work" is in past tense.
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