
Had the first DDOS battle in my life lads, fuck me that was hard. I somehow managed to block these assholes, and some piece of shit was extorting money out of our business by messaging us in telegram. What a piece of shit.

  • 6
    So did you just go to cloudflare and it was over?
  • 7
    @Oktokolo had to define some rules some of them quite long
  • 9
    Wait if the answer to ddos attacks is simply migrating to Cloudflare... That puts them in a unique position where they benefit from the continuity of such attacks.

    Omg omg omg 😱😱😱
  • 2
    @hardCoding i am afraid that is not enough. Some jerkoffs make scripts that connect to different proxies from all sorts of different hosting providers and put legit user agents in the heads which is pain in the ass to fight agains
  • 3
    Got any good loot?
  • 2
    @ars1 i plundered some ips
  • 1
    @hardCoding If it is a real DDoS, having more ingress bandwidth and beefy edge routers discarding the DDoS traffic is basically the only thing that actually helps apart from waiting until the atacker loses interest. Cloudflare got big for a reason. But being Google, Amazon or Microsoft obviously helps too.

    So think about that the next time you fire up Low Orbit Ion Cannon to help Anonymous fight against big corp...
  • 1
    Any WAF on border would help, but cloudflare shines with that panic button in fact haha
  • 0
    Oh I do love me some cloudflare.
    Just hit a button and poof.
    Stops most attacks while the website is still decently working
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