
I jumped on this NodeJS codebase to quickly implement an additional method in the custom logger. How hard could it be, right?

I implemented the method alright. But I can't find where to use it... There are like 10 different logger instances used in this tiny app and in one place logger is even used as a vessel (holder object) for the client's JWT token (to access it from the interactor).

oh, and it's a javascript app (somehow I assumed that node apps are typescript.. silly me!)

What the fØ©ĸ spaghetty-fest is this!?!?!

  • 4
    What it feels like to work with Javascript and any other language. The level of structure, clarity, compatibility, etc...
  • 2
    the dev is at fault for creating the app this complex, I can't say it's JS's fault cuz we all know it's a dumpster fire of a language
  • 0
    @Sid2006 imho it's js who makes devs stupid which leads to stupid js apps.
  • 1

    I dare say java picture would really be class HereIsCircleItIsAllPointsAtAGivenDistanceFromAGivenCenter.

    Along with is companion classes HereIsCircleItIsAllPointsAtAGivenDistanceFromAGivenCenterBuilder, HereIsCircleItIsAllPointsAtAGivenDistanceFromAGivenCenterFactory and HereIsCircleItIsAllPointsAtAGivenDistanceFromAGivenCenterObserver. 😂
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