
Rip vscode

Now google's https://idx.dev is the new kid on the block

Go google we ride ur cock forever

  • 13
    Drinking game: take a shot every time "Join wait list" is mentioned.

    That editor will never be as cool as my modified kilo editor made by the maker of redis and me
  • 16
    Always in the cloud - they lost me at that point.

    It only got worse each new message.
  • 2
    @Demolishun stupid to write a new product for dem cloud. Vs code with all ectensions work in dem browser already. I did join the waiting list btw
  • 8
    idk why everyone has a problem with vscode. I have been using it for 6 years and the only problem i faced was my lack of talent
  • 5
    @SidTheITGuy I like it, but sometimes it can be a memory hog. I think maybe some problematic plugins contribute to this.

    It is similar with Wordpress. Bad plugins that are poorly written have caused people to hate it. Use it as a simple blog and it is fine.
  • 4
    @Demolishun have you tried downloading more ram
  • 2

    You could always download more Wham!

  • 2
    @Demolishun I forgot apple does music
  • 1
    @SidTheITGuy vscode was made by microsoft which is bill gates and bill gates is a big pedophille who gangraped bunch of kiddies at epstein island & google has a blazing good tech and beautiful material design concept and really improved angular 16+ version superfast so they are much better
  • 0
    Also microsoft sounds very strict corporate fake bullshit vibe boring as fucking shit while google with different colors looks and sounds googly and gives vibes of all the good and positive memories i had in childhood and makes me feel like as if im reliving those memories by using google tech
  • 0
    So i only use google (good memories) and amazon (rich trillionaire fking bitches at yachts mansions and lambos ( i wanna be like that baldass guy))
  • 7
    @b2plane google is just as evil as microsoft. Don't kid yourself.
  • 5
    My adult hamster will likely live longer than this.
  • 2
    lmao, vscode. "please whitelist every open window and sign off that you agree this should be open. also, because you installed vs code, we now open 80% of all MIME types. please insert 12GB of RAM per window on a stock installation." i needed it to build an embedded driver once and ever since i've avoided it even harder. i'll stick to nano, thanks.
  • 3
    first of all: contrary to your apparently pretty twisted beliefs, not all of the world revolves around fullstack (or even webdev). I don't see anything or anyone going rip here. The other thing is, this is basically just a similar solution than what android studio is for android, which means it's specialized.

    i also think you haven't heard about vscodium yet, i assume?

    it's literally just vscode without Microsoft's Tracking bullshit. Only difference i noticed so far is a different icon.

  • 2
    @thebiochemic I love these "talks". Like everyone pulling out bigger and better weapons. It is like those animes where the next person they take on has superior weapons until the hero powers up and learns about an even bigger weapon.
  • 1
    @Demolishun agreed 💯%

    it really do be like that 😂
  • 1
    @Demolishun heh, can you do anything against this? *executes fleet*
    no offense kiddo, but we’re worlds apart
    this is not even my full power
  • 1
    😕 Idk if you actually want us to Google that last part.. Please confirm.
  • 1
    Can't possibily be free, considering they let you compile on their machine, run android and ios emulators on their machine.

    VSCode is free. I am happy.
  • 4
    Am I the only one not comfortable in using web based IDEs unless it is hosted in a private network ...
  • 0
    @ars1 your xhamster
  • 0
    @b2plane I think bill gates is way to boring for a gangrape. He probably raped missionairy without doing damage
  • 2
    @SidTheITGuy vscode was just a collection bad working plugins at the beginning. It's still not very lightweight compared to geany or so
  • 2
    @retoor eh, what do i care about the beginning. I care about it working as i expect it to, and it does.

    For the lightweight bit, I got 32GB ram so it's no problem for me.
  • 2
    @SidTheITGuy yh, but that's where the hate comes from I think
  • 1

    Not to mention I doubt you'd handle too well the cutthroat mentality and culture at Google.
  • 1
    @Demolishun but....but....isn't their earlier motto "Don't be evil" and now "Do the right thing"? They couldn't possible be evil with those!
  • 2
    @AleCx04 one thing to look out for: reverse messages. Say one thing, do another. It is a kind of code. Also, hide things in plain sight. That falls in with both.

    I really like Google services. But what they are doing to speech everywhere around the world is sickening. They did this shit to China first. Then they turned it on the rest of the world. If I use their services I just won't do it with anything I care about.
  • 2
    @Demolishun They like ”What if your dev env would be entirely in the cloud?”

    like it’s a good thing?

    Me, on a boat, far from cell coverage: 🤔.
  • 1
    @Demolishun yh, terrible what they do to speech. Stop hiding the recipe of amphetamine!
  • 1
    @sideshowbob76 in my current work environment it is the opposite of a good thing. Maybe if I did web work. But I have not been bit by a radioactive spider yet.
  • 2
    @sideshowbob76 "everything on the cloud" always sounds like a good idea when you remember you won't have to buy new hardware.
    But then you remember that sec guys exist, and having to fill two forms and wait up to twenty days everytime you want to install a new python lib sounds like a new level of hell.
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