Stupid Windows. I just lost 10 min of my life.

  • 3
    Throw that stupid stuff away and use Linux.
  • 3
    I'd recommend arch to you. I've been using it for like 1 week now and its soooo good. But for gaming I still use windows :( fuck platform dependent games!
  • 0
    @Jop- what do you mean with "normal users"?
  • 0
    @Jop- I don't know much about it too. I've been using windows my whole life till now. I realized that arch is just working better than windows (for me). Thanks to xfce I also have a simple and fast de. But I'm working in the terminal most of the time anyways. MAYBE, but only maybe, there's a little hurdle for beginners. But once you pass it its really good imo
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