
Aaand my focus has gone. I was in the zone, it was going well. Then of course I get called into a meeting. Thank you very much for that.

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    Meeting making your day twice as long
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    @retoor Not trying to jinx myself, but it's still going better than last Monday when I had three of the damn things.
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    @DamoMac Part of the job you sign up for, my man.
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    @SidTheITGuy depends, but yeah i agree, they are inevitable.

    Sometimes you have one a day, sometimes two a week. Sometimes you also have ~15 a week like me currently. And i'm pretty sure there are devs out there who have even more.
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    @Nanos one of the things an AI could solve lol 😂
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    @SidTheITGuy One of the perks of the company was that the vast majority of meetings were with senior management and client services. Devs just had to make sure tickets were up to date or you'd given someone a nudge on Slack as to what was going on. It's the new ops manager who's taken that away.

    @Nanos Unfortunately I'm the lowliest dev there, so if we were sending in subs for meetings I'd be the most likely to be sent in.
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    @DamoMac Ah yes, "new" staff who seem to think that changing things around when they join the company is a good idea.

    Why do people not just shut the hell up and let people work the way they always had? SMH.
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    @Nanos unpaid interns aren't really a thing here in the UK. I think apprenticeships have been mentioned around the office, but so far none have materialised.
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    @Nanos y'know, I've never actually heard about this. Maybe it's just not been on my radar because I don't live in a big city. I suppose if any companies were going to have unpaid internships, that's where they'd be.
    We usually have unpaid work experience as part of high school for about two weeks, so I'm guessing that's why they're still allowing it for short terms.
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    @DamoMac The fact that you could notice that someone is calling you for a meeting shows you were not focused enough. Better luck next time 🤠
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    @coldfire Damn, good point. Clearly I need to up my game.
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