What's the deal with Python? All the young devs coming out of school are so centered on it, but honestly I can't think of a project that I've had where it was even considered being used. Am I missing out on some hotness here? I know some schools are moving away from Java centered education to Python to help ease people into programming. To me that seems strange since you're learning so much less about the stack. </ rant>

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    Python is great for web development and CLI programs, for example.
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    first I am nt a big fan of using python as backend. python is easy to learn thats why every one jumped in to it. dropbox uses python. python is good for mvp but beyond that it has consequences.
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    @rookiemaverick MVP??? This is not a sport 😁
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    @jirehstudios minimum viable product!!!!!!
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    well all of those comments ^ and Google runs mostly on Python (I didn't say that did I? the whole company...)
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    @danner26 sorry to say but a small portion of it runs on python. they dropped it and adapted go.
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    @rookiemaverick not true. most of the company still develops a lot in Python and uses it vastly. I'm not saying everything is, but a lot
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    Python becoming favourite among young bc of easy syntax and logic. lol it's a plain language but pretty useful. Google is also a fine supporter of python. Just see the latest tensor flow lib to get the idea.
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    @rookiemaverick I thought you meant to type MVC 😂
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    I love Python for the feel of being back to the days of C64 Basic when stuff was easily understandable. When I tried to progress further and saw Assembler the interest died for many years. Also C++ network programming killed some additional interest during school and I switched career plans. Chose programming as a bonus skill instead of main career and did some random ASP, PHP, frontend etc. Now Python (and recently js frameworks) have put the fun back in. It opens programming for new people which gives the world new types of programs :)

    As for why to chose Python in a more professional context I have no idea. But after a few years of on and of contact with Perl at work I'd say "Because it's not Perl" is a reason as good as any.
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    I have nothing against Python. I'm currently using it with a Raspberry Pi for a motion detection scheme with a webcam and a Livestream. It was The one language I could think About easily integrante with this kind of thing. I am pretty sure I could use C++,but I never got The chance, so I kept python there.
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    It is being used heavily for embedded testing and dev
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    @danner26 I was talking about python at Google
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    have tried php and java. but now i am happy with python and js.
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    My company often prototypes in Python and loads of internal tools are written in it. Industrial light and magic supposedly use it. It's been around since '91 it has to getting used somewhere cos other languages like Mozart oz and Dylan are kicking around and have been for years yet so few people know them.

    If Python wasn't used anywhere it would be just as obscure.
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    Because Python has a cool name!!! Of course, when a kids like I'm make video games and become a developer and look at the list then get a few to pick from.
    C (wow c that's like what my grandpa used(
    C++ (see thoughts on C ++ = math soo nope)
    Java (hmm that sounds like coffee)
    JavaScript (coffee and scripts??)
    Python (now that sounds like a kick ass snake!) enrolls in Python
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