
Manager: "If you need me, just @ me"
Me: "Can you look at this right now?"
Manager: "Sorry I'm at a tennis match, I'll be 30mins"
3 hours later
Manager: "Do you still need me?"


Me: "A device died. Playbook says we have to flash it and lose all data on it, but we could go to the vendor for a solution if their fast enough. I just need you to make the call to deviate"
Manager: "Uggghhh" (goes offline for 2 hours)

Wtf man?!

  • 15
    Turns out he was offline because he was at the beach...
  • 8
    a manager of culture
  • 2
    All I see is he can't reasonably criticize you for not responding fast enough in the future
  • 3
    The real question is why you are not at the beach?
  • 1
    Hey can I work for your company?
  • 0
    Are they hiring?
    I’d be better than this sad sack of laziness. And hey, I could manage from the beach! I could certainly manage working from the beach. Sand, sun, surf, mai tais. Sounds like the life.
  • 0
    @hack I'm being an idiot and trying to have org level impact to hit the next level in my career.
  • 1
    A lot of managers say that so they can give you the "hey, why didn't you give me the heads up this was going on, I could have swooped in and saved the day!" speech later, even when it would have made no sense and they wouldn't have been able to help. Few of them actually follow through.
  • 1
    @lungdart To be a manager? Haha, I understand you. It seems funny to be a manager at your company.
  • 0
    @jacura nah, still on the engineering track.

    Our company uses strange leveling names, and every company uses different numbers, but it would be 2 positions after senior developer.
  • 0
    your manager has it figured out
    it is just a job, you have to have a life and to take care of yourself

    also I know it sounds evil and insensitive but you do the grunt work you get promoted so that you don’t do the grunt work anymore

    and in this situation interrupting his personal time is considered grunt

    of course it is a whole other story if he complained that you didn’t call him in the first place
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