  • 0
    Wtf is javascript in 2024 !? Are there some genuises building whole websites in plain old js like cowboys ? Does it mean react, angular vue and node combined ? If so, why is typescript left out !
  • 6
    How can you have data for 2024 when it hasn’t even started?

    Can you give me lottery numbers for 2024 as well?
  • 3
    They did this research inside the tensorflow office.
  • 4
    so, 10 out of all the programming languages account for 100% of usage
  • 0
    My theory for Python's popularity is that it might be used in many new college classes, including beyond full time programming. Like statistics, analytics, data science.

    Took a look at the latest Stack Overflow survey and under the most popular libs/frameworks there's a surprisingly high amount of votes for various data processing libs (rather than application programming) - so there has to be a lot of people doing data processing who voted in that survey.

    Meanwhile you rarely see stuff like C# being used as a scripting language by people who aren't dotnet devs.
  • 2
    Where's BS?
  • 2
    @electrineer it’s in the top 3 places
  • 0
  • 0
    @jiraTicket I suppose you never experienced the zen of python

    jokes aside, I believe most of python is used for data science and scripting (a lot of devops), but also web development (djanjo and fast api are huge)

    I worked with many different programming languages in my life, every time I change jobs usually I get to work with a new one - and python is by far the one I like the most
  • 0
    @coldfire it's probably because of all these millions of frameworks, that ultimately still use js for some reason.
  • 0
    @NoToJavaScript this is more accurate.

    You can see, how TS is slowly replacing JS,
    how The C Family somewhat sticks together (because C moved up the rank),
    Go and Rust ist basically the same,
    Lua made a huuuge jump,
    Zig is somewhere at the end of the list,
    and carbon is not even part of it.
  • 2
    python is obviously so high because of machine learning. All of machine learning and data science runs on Python except for the few C++ gems.

    But python is also pretty cool and deserves to be above JavaScript and anything JS Related, so I take it
  • 3

    BitchScript? We need a language called BitchScript.
  • 2
    @Demolishun or literally BullShit :)
    That would be a great name for a language.
  • 1
    @Lensflare But I want to literally yell "Work Bitch!" when I am debugging.
  • 1
    @ccpdev oh I realise now my comment came across as if I'm negative towards python. I am not. I get the love. And figure it would be highly ranked even if the list only included full time application programmers.

    Just felt python is trending more than normally now and I recalled seeing that SO survey with tons of votes for data processing frameworks
  • 1
    Fake news.
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