
I am now receiving fertility information about a random person in the US because they thought it would be an excellent idea to use some random mail address (my mail address) to register for a fertility site instead of their own.
For anyone interested they will be highly fertile in about 12 days. Lets see if they succeed and unregister from the service then.

For the love of God please verify mail addresses of user before registration! Please!

Related rant: https://devrant.com/rants/9686149/...

  • 9
    Is there a way to get their phone number? Then you can send random texts about how it is time to get fucked.
  • 7
    Maybe they're trying to get your interest
  • 3
    @Demolishun Possibly yes since they used my mail, I can do a password reset and check out everything they put in their profile. Would be pretty funny if they try and stay anonymous by using someone's mail address but then just store their own phone number with the account.
  • 4
    @electrineer That would be quite an interesting way of subtle hinting!
  • 3
    Is your email address such that someone can have a really similar one?
  • 1
    @electrineer I was thinking the same but it has a male name in it making an accident like this quite unlikely.
  • 1
    She wants your cock to impregnate her when she's most fertile, obviously
  • 6
    I have to wonder if this is some new take on a scam to sucker men in.
  • 1
    @TheSilent maybe it's a difference between Jean and Jane, and she's heavily dyslexic? It would make Darwin happy.
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