
All designers and developers are secretly in love with cookie banners and other kinds of popups, as long as they distract users, obscure content and contain a lot of text that is hard to understand.

We must love to deceive our users and make them click a primary call to action button to make sure that they are fine with bypassing anything that privacy laws have been made for in the first place.

Or where are the best practice examples, code snippets and plugins do find a better way by default? Any commercial website will sooner or later require some kind of cookie banner and that's the whole point of contemporary web design.

  • 3

    I fucking hate some website that I read maybe once a year it puts half page popup about registering or subscribing for their “superb” content.
  • 0
    Please make such best practises website
  • 0
    @electrineer then no one will use that website.(Bjarne’s comment on people complaining about Cpp)
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