
There will be a "great place to work" poll at my job... I wonder if I can be honest in it.

  • 0
    If it's not trully anonymous, then hell nah bruh
  • 0
    Use someone else's access to give it. Lol
  • 1
    @TenHands apparently it's from an outside party who does the research to rank companies, but HR says it's anonymous, so I feel uncomfortable believing it's anonymous

    Have heard stories on the internet of people being called out for things they were encouraged to write "anonymously"
  • 2
    I wouldn’t. They’re never anonymous. They’ll let you go for “underperforming”.
  • 0
    If anonymous, go full balistic
  • 0
    Most likely not anonymous... One year we had to plug in a personal ID, this year we were sent personalised links so that we "didn't have to put our ID"... Because the link is the ID.
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