Meta Platforms has launched Llama 3, their newest large language model (LLM), alongside a brand-new stand-alone AI chatbot. Llama 3 comprises two versions, one with 8 billion and the other with 70 billion parameters. Furthermore, Meta is currently developing an even more advanced 400 billion parameter model, though its release date remains unannounced.

Ragavan Srinivasan, Meta’s VP of Product, expressed enthusiasm about the model’s capabilities in a recent interview, stating, “From a performance perspective, it is really off the charts in terms of benchmarking capabilities.” He specifically referred to the ongoing development of the 400 billion parameter version.

  • 7
    Who cares
  • 2
    @Linux i'd love an open to use, offline runable model, that gives to some extend accurate outputs for any input. I replaced alot of googleing with "chat". For things that i don't care about sources, or the google search field is to limited for.
  • 0
    I tried the 8B model with ollama yesterday and It's kinda broken. I think the template is screwed in ollama repo or something
  • 1
    I am not impressed with these LLMs. Considering their sizes are in gigabytes and they need a long time to answer even if you use i7 processor. They are wasting this planet's resources for something we can also get the answers from quickly: google search.
  • 0
    The more the parameters the smarter the if else chat bot right? 💀
  • 0
    @daniel-wu how slow? Just how many resources does a “give me a chocochip cookie recipe” prompt take?
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