
Today I explained to my wife why my night stand is a mess, and hers is clean and ordered by using the backend/frontend metaphor.

I am the backend, handling bills, bank accounts, taxes, warranties and all the paperwork.
She is my frontend, handling my social interactions.

Now she hates me, but she admitted I'm right.
She still want me to clean my night stand though.

  • 6
    your front & backend metaphor is very very unromantic hahahaha 😄
    you've got some balls to say that to her. Good luck with your night stand.
  • 2
    I hope my future wife will be a fullstack to my fullstack.
  • 1
    You better clean your night stand soon. If not, later you might experience certain "night stand". 😁
  • 2
    Just come back later and show her proper backend frontend interaction 😉. Might be smart to mention that most frontends are but this one in particular is a vision.
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