
So... no more software, only apps now.

We no longer make software? What did I miss?

  • 4
    It's all the same. I only use the term 'software' when speaking to another dev/engineer.
  • 2
    Software sounds like a rubber suit. SHIT! Wrong forum... 😂😂
  • 9
    And nobody writes libraries anymore, it's all frameworks, even if they just consist of 5 elementary classes.
  • 3
    @Grumpy true story
  • 2
    @Grumpy or fancy modules
  • 0
    I tend to make a hard distinction:

    Software is the general term.

    An App is sandboxed and stand-alone. Sometimes has the ability to communicate with other apps (intent bus).

    A Program or application isn't typically sandboxed and may share dependencies with other programs.
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