
I get all the time shouts by boss that I don't test the application, if he doesn't have testing team does it apply on me programmer to test everything?

  • 0
    Well, yes. Try automating everything, or as much as possible. You'll find many deisgn bugs or overlooked issues on the way. Maybe try picking up a BDD framework on the way...
  • 1
    Well... it kinda does... Though i feel you as im the only dev at my company and have yet to get around to write test suite
    Also there is this saying: "we don't have time for tests cause we are busy fixing the bugs"
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    I know how you feel :D I'm the only webdeveloper at work, so I have to analyse, write and test everything.. But if you have written everything by yourself, you test your code, the way it should work, but if you hand it to someone who doesn't know how to work with it.. everything goes wrong.. So, when you're done coding, let a colleague test the application before handing it over :D
  • 0
    Well I'm sick with testing thing, there's lot of test cases which we may leave in building application.
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