
Recently had a meeting with the company that acquired my startup, where I was required to relinquish root/admin access across AWS, SSH, and database. It was decided that I held too much power, and will now only have read-only access to develop. I'm not entirely sure what I do for work now.

  • 3
    go to vaccation in thailand until they fire you? Come home with a new startup?
  • 7
    Start making your list of requirements they'll need to put in /etc/sudoers in order for you to do your job.
  • 1
    How the hell are you supposed to work in read only mode? I back @FractalSystems please try what he said.
  • 1
    @FractalSystems good idea, I'll likely do this, plus try to train the IT team on how to use Screen. Unfortunately, no one is familiar with Linux in their group.
  • 1
    @brayyy definitely a necessity in a situation like that. Also, I've recently (a year ago) started using tmux instead of screen....worth checking out if you haven't yet.
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