
Damn, angular js seems too hard for me saw couple of lectures understood nothing. :/

  • 7
    Keep at it, you'll understand eventually maybe you be another course, different lecturers get through different people, sometimes the same thing makes perfect sense when told by one person and absolutely no sense told by another
  • 2
    It's hard, but it's not THAT hard. The problem is that the developers of the framework for some reason like to use really complicated words for simple stuff
  • 1
    I'd recommend studying up a bit on MVC as a concept. Angular uses this concept in a looser way than many people would like but understanding the concept of Model View Controller will help you understand how Angular apps are structured. Also worth learning is $q and $http. These are just JavaScript concepts with an angular wrapper. After that focus on directives which are as simple or complex as you want/need them to be. Once you learn these things, you can build a pretty cool Angular app. Everything else is just extra and you can learn as you need them.
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    2 or 3?
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    @mundo03 you mean Angular 1 or 2? Don't think 3 will be a thing for a while.
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    What topic seemed hard?
  • 1
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    @tizo yeah, I mixed python here. -_-
  • 1
    Interesting. Seems as though Angular "4" will build on top of Angular "2". So really it seems to me that it's a confusing name for what it really is. @nerd-san
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    @tizo previously I have mad web apps on codeigniter which is mvc. Now doing angular for my firebase app. Firebase itself is pretty much fun and cool so of I get hands on angular it would be complete. Still I will be integrating it with cordova phonegap.
  • 0
    @rehman Never used Firebase. Seems cool based on the quick search I did. Ive used Ionic before which also uses Phonegap. If it's anything like Ionic it's probably pretty cool.
  • 0
    @tizo just give it a try its awesome while checking firebase i made comple login signup syatem with google, fb authentication api in one day.
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