
I'm struggling at work. I hate senior mgmt at this company so much it's actually affecting my ability to produce work.

Fuckers high up have been delaying performance reviews for like a year, but they get their fucking bonuses with no delay. I can't afford not to have a job, so I'm trying to work, but it's hard. I try to keep things in perspective that they're still paying me so I should just do my job.. but how do you do it if you hate those cunts at the top so much. I became so toxic because of all the resentment too.

  • 7
    ++ for using the platform correctly.
  • 4
    @SidTheITGuy that actually made me laugh thanks 🙏
  • 7
    It's never going to get better. And if they give you a performance review they will gaslight you into thinking you don't deserve a raise. The bonuses management is getting? Yeah, they're probably getting them because they're saving the company money by not giving you what you deserve. Start looking elsewhere
  • 1
    Tough. Hang in there. Toxic is not going away. Start working on how to get out cleanly.

    It’s hard to beat the ”I quit”-meeting with management. Something to aim for! Good luck.
  • 3
    @jsframework9000 had management at annual review tell me I was amazingly good... Then pause and say "considering my experience", Gave me 2% raise lmao. Inflation is higher. I was in a junior role. They could've at least bumped my title.

    Another time, CEO of company I'm solo making half their income for and they have 50+ employees now and tripled in size during my time there, guy starts a meme around office calling me perfect for a month straight. He's a hardass, all he ever did was yell at people. Comes time for my quarterly bonuses (which were a year behind), and I get 25% of my previous bonus amounts lmao
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